Mediation Maximized: Essentials to Crafting Better Results through Mediation
Mediation Maximized: Essentials to Crafting Better Results through Mediation
Gain lessons learned and insights shared about the perceived risks of mediation for construction executives and the amazing upsides versus litigation and even arbitration. If you are considering mediation to resolve disputes or feel like you haven’t gotten the most out of mediation, you should consider attending this webinar. You will better understand how the parties themselves are essential to resolving disputes and maintaining working relationships for not only resolving a dispute but ensuring the parties want to work together on a future project.
Learn how to meditate more efficiently by learning how to:
- Consider Not Your Interests
- Consider the Interests of the Other Side
- Consider Whether you have a Dispute, a Conflict, or Both
- Know Your Essentials from Your Non-Essentials
- Recognize and Control Your Emotions
- Organize Pertinent Information
- Albert Bates Jr., Partner, Troutman Pepper
- Harold Coleman Jr., Esq., Senior Vice President, Professional Education & Development,